As you fully engage in these assignments this week you will reap the rewards!
Have fun shifting to
the right side of your brain as you do the following assignments! Try
to notice when and what it feels like when the shift happens.
1. Complete the upside down drawing we did in class if you haven't yet. (p.18 of the drawing workbook).
2. Complete at least one or more or the upside down drawing exercises on pages 20-24.
3. Read the "Post-exercise remarks" and "The Five-Perceptual Skills of Drawing" on pg. 26 of your workbook.
Personal Narratives:
It's time to write your story! Go through the list of "troubles" you made the first day in class, as well as the prompts in your packet, if you wrote down ideas there. Think through them and choose one of them that you think will be fun or interesting to write about. You have two weeks to write the rough draft of your narrative. Remember to give enough details about the people and the places to help others 'see' your story! Have fun making it good and detailed!
On February 19, bring 17 copies of your personal narrative rough draft and be sure to have your name on them, as well as a title. We will each take these narratives home and read through them and comment on them, with encouraging, helpful remarks, and then bring them back the next week.
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