Friday, January 30, 2015

February 5

Hello everyone! We sure had a great day in class yesterday! What fun we're going to have!
Below are your assignments for both the drawing unit and the personal narrative unit. Be sure to read through it all, and be sure to come fully prepared for class next week!!!  See you then!

Drawing homework: 
1. Read the Foreword in your drawing workbook

2. Read the Post-exercise remarks on page 2
3. Do Exercise 2 and exercise 3 in your drawing workbook. 
    ***Instead of drawing in your workbook, I recommend drawing on a sheet of white paper in the back of your folio and storing them in your folio. The paper in the workbook is very thin and you can see the lines of the opposite page through onto your drawing surface which may be distracting.
4. Council with your parents about the mild, very rare nude drawings in the workbook and determine how you want to handle the images. If what I have done is fine leave it as is, if you want more coverage, do whatever makes you all feel comfortable :) (I have already ripped out a page that was more than I was comfortable with!) p. 10 and 142

Personal Narratives
Well that was sure fun listening to Donald Davis show us how to come up with good 'troubles' for our stories! I could see a lot of 'pictures' coming into your minds. :) I'm sure that each one of you have some great ideas for narratives stored in your memories!

Your assignment for this week is to read through the narratives packet that I gave you in class, and to also read through the list of writing prompts.  As you read through the prompts, do just like you did in class when Mr. Davis offered some prompts - write down a few words that would easily remind you of the 'trouble' or 'situation' and keep this list and be sure to bring it with you to class next week.
Next week in class we will be doing an activity that will require you to have access to both the list you made today in class with Mr. Davis' video, as well as the list you make at home from the prompts in the packet. So make sure you have them both in class next week.

So the homework in a nutshell is:
1. Read all the stories in the Narratives packet
2. Read through all the prompts and write down any ideas that come to you
3. Bring the two sets of ideas with you to class next week
4. And just as a reminder, please remember to get the book Leonardo daVinci by Diane Stanley and read it. We will have a discussion on it on February 26. Be sure to have it read by then so we can have an engaging discussion!

(PS - It seems there is one solitary sentence that was accidentally omitted from the last story in the booklet entitled "Guarding Angel." Here is the last sentence: "When I did, I used my brakes the whole way down. This time, I wasn't going to forget.")

Have fun!

Monday, January 26, 2015

January 29

Welcome to the 2nd semester of Literary & Creative Arts!!!

Boy do we have some great things planned! 

We will pass out a syllabus in class so you'll have a paper with all the info and due dates on them, but I will also include it at the end of this post so you can reference it here as well.

Please remember to get the book Leonardo daVinci by Diane Stanley and read it. We will have a discussion on it on February 26. Be sure to have it read by then so we can have an engaging discussion!

Here's a quick rundown of when things will be due:
Feb. 19 - Rough draft of Personal Narrative Due, make enough copies to give to everyone to comment on
Feb. 26 - Return rough drafts with your comments on them
Feb. 26 - This is also the day for our book discussion on Leonardo daVinci
Mar. 4 - (Wed) FINAL DRAFT of Personal Narratives DUE on blog
Apr. 23 - THE BIG DAY! You need to have your literary arts magazine completed and ready to order by this day. No later! Yes, it can be finished and ordered earlier if you like, but this is the for sure deadline for ordering!
Apr. 23 - This is also the day you will be presenting your Special Features in class! 

2nd Semester Syllabus

Blurb – how to use
See samples of Lit Arts magazines
Intro Artist Trading Cards
Special Features (Due in magazine by Apr 23, present also on Apr 23)
Personal Narrative
Visual Arts - drawing
Personal Narrative
Visual Arts - drawing
Personal Narrative
Visual Arts - drawing
Art Appreciation
Personal Narrative (Rough Draft due, copies to pass out)
Visual Arts - drawing
Art Appreciation
(Return rough drafts with comments on them)
Artist Trading Cards
Visual Arts - drawing
Art appreciation - Book Discussion Leonardo daVinci
(Personal Narratives Final Draft DUE on blog by WED Mar 4)
Artist Trading Cards
Visual Arts - drawing, color theory, and other mediums
Art appreciation 
Artist Trading Cards
Visual Arts - drawing, color theory, and other mediums
Art appreciation 
Magazine Design and Editing
Visual Arts - drawing, color theory, and other mediums
Magazine Design and Editing
Visual Arts - drawing, color theory, and other mediums
Magazine Design and Editing
Visual Arts - drawing, color theory, and other mediums
Magazine Design and Editing
Visual Arts - drawing, color theory, and other mediums
Art Appreciation
Special Features presentations DUE both for mag and to present in class
(ORDER Magazines so they will arrive by May 7)
Art Appreciation
Guest Artist/Writer
Magazine Presentations in class, showcase
Guest Artist/Writer
ASA End of Year Awards Night – We will have a special showcase of all the art you've created this year! You can include whatever you'd like to display! It doesn't have to just be art you created in our class, it can include your photography, drawing, and your magazines!!!
This is gonna be so great!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Jan. 5, 2015


I can't wait to read your FINISHED SHORT STORIES! You've worked so hard and I'm so proud of you! I have been so inspired by your writing. On Monday, Jan. 5th I will start visiting each of your blogs in anticipation of reading your finished short story that I hope to find there. I can't wait!! So, if you haven't posted your story on your blog yet, make sure you do that by Monday, Jan. 5. and title it "Final Fiction". If you chose not to finish your short story, please post an excerpt from your favorite fiction writing you've been working on in this class. This is one of the culminating assignments for this class and I have high expectations to find your best writing effort posted there for my review :)

VISIT EACH OTHER'S BLOGS STARTING ON MONDAY TO READ EACH OTHER'S SHORT STORIES AND GIVE POSITIVE COMMENTS. The list of blog address and links are on a tab at the top of this class blog to make this easier :)


The work you've shared in class has been meaningful and well done. I can't wait to see what your finished work looks like.

The culminating project for our poetry unit is in two parts:

Part 1: Choose 4 of your favorite poems you've written in our class, polish them up through revision, and then post them on your blog by Wed. Jan. 7th. I will be visiting each of your blogs Wednesday morning in eager excitement to read your final poems.

Part 2: Poetry Reading in class. Come prepared with your 4 poems printed out so you can read them out loud to the class. It will be so fun to hear eachother's work! Then you will hand your printed poems to me, so put your names on them, and I will later read them and give you feedback. Plan on including your poetry in your literary arts magazine that you'll be creating next semester.



This is your last assignment for our Photography unit! Wow! How time flies! I hope you've been enjoying learning how to take better photographs, and that you have enjoyed finding the amazing moments in life that you can capture with your camera. You've all done SO well!During the Christmas break you are invited to hone your skills at telling a story with your camera. Christmastime will offer plenty of opportunities to capture some great stories. In class we viewed a lady's blog who explained just how to do that. If you'd like to revisit this blog you can view it here.

Have a blast and Merry Christmas!