Saturday, February 28, 2015

March 5

I sure loved listening to Audrey Rindlesbacher talk about true principles and how following them brings freedom. As artists, as we learn and apply true artistic principles to our art and writing, we will then be FREE to truly express ourselves in a way that sends the message that we really want to say without being held back by inability. I loved our discussion about Leonardo Da Vinci. 

Here are this week's assignments for Literary Arts Class:

Personal Narratives:
For those of you who have your rough draft done and have received comments from others on what you could do to improve, now is the time to refine and write your final draft of your personal narrative and get it on your blog by next Wednesday, March 4. Yay for you!

For those of you who haven't yet finished your rough draft we still encourage you to do so!!! I would be glad to read and give comments on your story if you would like, and there may be others in the class who would be willing to do so as well.  So keep going and get it done this week so you can then get your final draft done, too!

Drawing: (There are 4 items for drawing assignments - be sure to scroll all the way down to see them all!)
1. I hope you have been thinking about what you'd like to do for your Special Features Article. Choose something that is interesting to you for this project!  Here is some more information and some ideas. This Thursday you will hand in your topic - please write it on a piece of paper to hand in. 

Special Features: choose topic to study, create, research, and present that would include visuals with the intention that this project will go in your literary arts magazine as a Special Feature Article.

Choose one of the following topics (or come up with one of your own) for your Special Feature in your magazine:

  • Research an artist, his or her work, and write about why their work is important to you. If artist is living, you could interview them and request permission to use images in your magazine. If not living preferably choose an artists whose work is in the public domain so you could include their work in your magazine. In any case, you’ll want to  find some kind of visual to illustrate your writing to go in your magazine.
  • Choose some aspect of color theory to study and write about. Create art or take photos to illustrate your writing.
  • Choose a favorite poet, study his or her work, and write about why their work is important to you. If the poet is living, you could interview them and request permission to include some of their poetry in you magazine to go along with the interview. If they are not living, you choose someone whose work is in the public domain to include in your magazine. Find some kind of visual to illustrate your writing.
  • Practice and really focus on creating art in any of the following mediums: watercolor, oil, pastel, acrylic, sculpting, collage, pen and ink, or pencil drawing (above and beyond the work we do in class in this medium). Include your art in your magazine.
  • Study about different typography. Include samples of fonts/ type that fascinate you. Create art using typography. Include this information and art in your feature story.
  • Choose any topic based on art and literature that you want! Consider: people, places, history, current events, collections, architecture, art mediums.  
2. Time to start thinking about Artist Trading cards (yippee!) You need to bring 6 cards each week for 3 weeks starting on March 19 to trade with your friends in class. Be careful if you google for ideas - as with anything, there is garbage out there. You can do 6 of the same image (each an original piece of artwork, not a photocopy) or 6 completely different images each week. 

A couple weeks ago I sent you home with your big piece of card stock paper for you to trace and cut out your cards. If you don't have that, just cut paper the size of playing cards from card stock for your artist trading cards canvas. (They should be 2 1/2" x 3 1/2 ") Have fun with this! I'm excited to see what you all come up with :)

Here are some examples:


Trees ATCs

Art Projects for Kids: Snowflake Art Trading Cards

3. Practice drawing using the picture plane (plastic page with black cross-hairs) to help you see like an artist. If you haven't already done these assignments, do Exercise 11, 12, or 13 in your drawing workbook. Remember, seeing like an artist and drawing realistically like an artist takes PRACTICE! The work we do in class is just a spring board for the practice you'll need to do at home to learn these true artistic principles. 

4. Post your final draft of your Personal Narrative on your blog by Wed. morning, March 4th. Read each other's personal narratives and leave comments on each other's blogs. If you don't have a blog because you joined us this semester, send your final version of your narrative in an email to our class list (look in past emails for the list). Good job on your writing!

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