Literary and Creative Arts 1 & 2
Fall Semester: Fiction, Poetry, Photography & Blog
Winter Semester: Personal Narrative, Visual Arts, Magazine Design & Publication
Day: Thursday
Time: 11:00 to 12:45
Location: Miller’s Barn
Time: 11:00 to 12:45
Location: Miller’s Barn
Description: The Creative, Literary, and Visual Arts provide a means of communicating soul to soul. They tell a story and can be a source of sweeping good in the world. We need more voices like this. The world needs YOUR voice. Storytellers are impactful and create change because they speak to the soul. Christ was a storyteller. Popular culture is dominated by storytellers. What stories do you have to tell? How can you change the world for the better with your stories?
In this class you will meet face to face with great storytellers throughout history as you study inspiring literature, poetry, photography, and art. You will learn practical skills to give voice to your message and breath life into your stories through several creative mediums. The first semester will focus on the mediums of fictional literature (short story and novel), poetry, photography, and creating your own literary arts blog. The second semester will focus on personal narrative, the visual arts (drawing and painting), and magazine design, culminating with students creating, and publishing their own literary arts magazine.
Level: Journeyman–Level 2
Depth or Breadth? Depth
Ages: 13 to 18
Depth or Breadth? Depth
Ages: 13 to 18
Tuition: $45 (fall semester); $100 (winter semester)
Prerequisites: Must agree to and sign Journeyman Application
Materials Required:
Fall Semester
Students must have access to the following:
1. A computer, parental permission to use it and create a blog, assure privacy of blog, and have filters on computer that parents are satisfied with.
2. A digital camera, with downloading capabilities
Fall Semester
Students must have access to the following:
1. A computer, parental permission to use it and create a blog, assure privacy of blog, and have filters on computer that parents are satisfied with.
2. A digital camera, with downloading capabilities
Winter Semester1. Access and permission to use Blurb (free download of software) and commitment from parents to purchase magazine at the end of the semester on April 23 (cost included in tuition).
2. Parents to purchase some at home art supplies. (Sister Miller will provide a list to choose from.)
2. Parents to purchase some at home art supplies. (Sister Miller will provide a list to choose from.)
Fall Semester*Weekly reading assignments.
*Weekly writing assignments throughout semester, as well as photography assignments during that unit.
*Blog creation and weekly work on blog, as well as weekly visiting of other students’ blogs and commenting.
*Minimum 3+ hours a week.
Fall Semester*Weekly reading assignments.
*Weekly writing assignments throughout semester, as well as photography assignments during that unit.
*Blog creation and weekly work on blog, as well as weekly visiting of other students’ blogs and commenting.
*Minimum 3+ hours a week.
Winter Semester
*Weekly reading assignments.
*Weekly writing assignments during writing unit.
*Weekly art assignments during art unit.
*If student took 1st semester of this class, then they will learn how to transfer their blog into Blurb to add their creations to their magazine.
*At home work on designing their magazine online, as well as scanning or taking photos of their art work to add to their magazine.
*Minimum 3+ hours a week.
*Weekly reading assignments.
*Weekly writing assignments during writing unit.
*Weekly art assignments during art unit.
*If student took 1st semester of this class, then they will learn how to transfer their blog into Blurb to add their creations to their magazine.
*At home work on designing their magazine online, as well as scanning or taking photos of their art work to add to their magazine.
*Minimum 3+ hours a week.
Notes: This is going to be an amazing class!!! Students who take Literary and Creative Arts 1 during fall semester will have priority registration for Literary and Creative Arts 2.
Title: Leonardo daVinci
Cost: $6.29
Cost: $6.29
Semester Used: Winter
Required: Yes
Own or share with sibling? Own
Required: Yes
Own or share with sibling? Own
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