Thursday, October 2, 2014

October 9, 2014

Here are your assignments due October 9th:

Remember to be prepared for class you will spend at least 3 hours in your Literary Arts Class studies, including the following assignments.


1. Write in your Writer's Journal 10 minutes everyday (except Sunday if you prefer). Writing your story or working on character profiles etc. counts for this. Writers write everyday. See "Writing Prompts for Daily Writing" on page 6 of your writing workbook for inspiration.

2. Work on your blog. Add your character profiles, scenes from your story, your writing prompts and any writing you'd like to share and get feedback on. Make your blog a storehouse for your creative bursts of inspiration!

3. Read and comment on half of the blogs in our class (see the schedule and blog address list Sister Johnson sent out in email last week). Remember if your blog is private send out invitations. If you are supposed to read and comment on someone's blog that is private it is your job to remind them that you need an invitation. This only works if you can get on each other 's blogs! :)

4. START WRITING your short story if you haven't already. By now you should have chosen your storyline for your short story, have created characters, and are working your way through the Story Structure worksheets in your writing workbook.

Remember: if you start feeling like this:

........let go of the judgements and stress and just

......let your imagination run free! Have fun!


1. The topic for today's 10-minute writing assignment is a blind date. The guy thinks it is going fantastically well -- amazing chemistry; they have so much in common. The girl thinks it's a disaster, that he's a real creep. Set an alarm to ring in 5 minutes. For the next 5 minutes, write about the date from the guy's point of view. Use the third person ("he" instead of "I"), but show everything from his perspective. Now, set the alarm for another 5 minutes. Rewrite the same scene, but from the girl's point of view. If you like what you've written, this could be the beginning of a short story from one perspective or the other... or maybe two different short stories. If you'd prefer, you can write a scene from any of your writings from two different character perspectives instead of this date scenario.

2. Read "Washing Windows" on pg. 71 of your writing workbook. Have fun seeing how this author shows the same events through both "his" and "her" eyes.




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